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May 2021

The Application of Drones in Construction 4.0

The evolving world of technology means that companies within the construction industry cannot remain insulated from the impacts of change

The construction industry in Malta has seen considerable growth over the few years preceding the pandemic, retaining its role as a main contributor to the local economy. As developments become more sophisticated, companies offering services within the industry are faced with added pressures to remain competitive and in tune with the changing demands of technology, quality and cost.

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As the fourth wave in technology continues to impact our lives, these advancements are now finding their way into the construction industry as Construction 4.0. An industry known to be more conservative than most for embracing technology is reshaping itself to meet the digitization trends at a much faster pace than previously experienced.  The time has come for construction companies to develop a real digital strategy if they are to remain competitive!

This transformative framework is already creating a revolution in other industries seeing an increased decentralized approach to delivering value and connecting people by making use of cyber physical systems, internet of things and cloud computing.

The use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) or drones, are increasingly being employed for inspection and monitoring applications during surveying, construction and facility management. Drones can help reduce project costs, increase productivity and improve data accuracy.  They can also be used to gather 3D information which could integrate with Building Information Model systems reducing time spent on site drastically.  Further applications for drones include monitoring the progress of work on site, visualizations and security control.

Embedding the use of drones and other digital operational efficiency layers into the construction life cycle will see a noticeable reduction in costs while enabling multiple stakeholders to share data globally via cloud. This would enable reduced lead times and more seamless integration with other data management functions.

The success of the use of drones in the construction industry can only come about from a well structured strategy and implementation plan.  The digitization of services and the industrialization of the processes involved is what a Construction 4.0 Industry is based upon.  The team at Capital Alliance is assisting companies reach their goals by facilitating data management through the use of mobile technology while structuring the important processes through business process alignment and automation.

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